The Clean Economy is Here: Metro Regions are Leading the Way

Silicon Valley Competitiveness and Innovation Project

Creating a Regional Economic Development Initiative (Phase 1)

2015 California Green Innovation Index


Bay to Market: Bay Area Innovations Leading to Clean Technology Development

Driving the Spotlight: Los Angeles and Orange Counties' Large Producer and Consumer Base Driving Advanced Transportation Growth

Power Town: California's Capital Region Mobilizing to Meet Growing Demands for Clean Technology

Living Lab: San Diego and Imperial Counties Fostering Smart Grid and Biorenewable Development

Minnesota Clean Energy Economy Profile

Metro Atlanta Innovation Indicators Project

Regional Industry Clusters of Opportunity: How California Regions are Expanding the Advanced Transportation Industry

2014 California Green Innovation Index


Developing a Shared Agenda for the North Shore of O'ahu's Economic Vitality and Community Well-Being

California's Advanced Transportation Industry Clusters of Opportunity

Cleantech Investment: A Decade of California's Evolving Portfolio

Advanced Transportation Diagnostics Packages

Corporate Citizenship Report

Regional Innovations: Promising Practices from the California Stewardship Network (Vol. 2)

2013 California Green Innovation Index

2013 Index of Silicon Valley


Long Island Innovation Index

Annual Index of the Massachusetts Innovation Economy

Promising Practices in Building Innovation Infrastructure: The Role of Innovation Brokers

Regional Results: Promising Practices from the California Stewardship Network (Vol. 1)

Clean Energy Economic Development Series

2012 California Green Innovation Index

2012 Index of Silicon Valley

2012 Many Shades of Green


San Luis Obispo Clusters of Opportunity Economic Strategy

The Food Chain Cluster: Integrating the Food Chain in Solano & Yolo Counties to Create Economic Opportunity and Jobs

Think Long Committee for California: Jobs, Infrastructure & the Workforce

Climate Prosperity: A Greenprint for Silicon Valley

Towards a New Prosperity: How Business and Regions are Creating a Prosperous Low-Carbon Economy through Energy Savings, Economic Opportunities and Job Creation

Innovate 2 Innovation: An Assessment of California's Innovation Ecosystem (Phase 1 and 2)

Powering Innovation

Regional Industry Clusters of Opportunity

Thriving Regions Lead to a Thriving State

2011 Index of Silicon Valley


California Progress Report

2010 California Green Innovation Index

2010 Index of Silicon Valley

2010 Many Shades of Green


Clean Economy Fact Sheets

The Clean Energy Economy: Repowering Jobs, Businesses and Investments Across America

Strategic Economic Plan for Sonoma County

2009 California Green Innovation Index

2009 Index of Silicon Valley

2009 Many Shades of Green


The Innovation Driven Economic Development Model

2008 California Green Innovation Index

2008 Index of Silicon Valley


Innovation America: Investing in Innovation

2007 Index of Silicon Valley


California Food Chain Report

An Economic Roadmap for the San Diego Region

Creative Connections: Arts, Ideas and Economic Progress in Greater Phoenix

2006 Index of Silicon Valley


Corridor of Opportunity

2005 Index of Silicon Valley


Entrepreneurial Sacramento Valley: Regional Economic Development Impacts and Implications

2004 Index of Silicon Valley

California Regional Economies Project

Creating Economic Opportunity and Jobs from Quality of Life in Rural California

Golden Opportunity, Growing Crisis: The Health Sciences and Services Cluster

Manufacturing in Transformation: Economic Change and Employment Opportunities in the Design, Production and Logistics Value Chain

Creating a Workforce Transition System in California

Innovation, Productivity and California's Prosperity


2003 Index of Silicon Valley


Giving Back the Silicon Valley Way

2002 Index of Silicon Valley


Strategic Planning in the Technology-Driven World: A Guidebook for Innovation-Led Development

The Creative Community: Leveraging Creativity and Cultural Participation for Silicon Valley's Economic and Civic Future

Unfinished Business: Women in the Silicon Valley Economy

2001 Index of Silicon Valley


The Pittsburgh Region: Progress Metrics for the Entrepreneurial Economy

The Potomac Index: Measuring Progress in the Greater Washington Region

Regional Stewardship: A Commitment to Place

2000 Index of Silicon Valley


Innovative Regions: The Importance of Place and Networks in the Innovative Economy

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